I finally figured out how to attach the dishwasher to live above the front-load washing machine we have.
A high quality garden hose splitter.
a standard appliance hose.
a 3/4 GH male to 3/4 NFT female
a 3/4 NFT male to 3/4 BSP this connects to the dishwasher.
OR, get a hose clamp and buy an in-line GH hot water valve and just replace the offending part on the dishwasher, save the old one of you ever need to re-attach it to the sink. This is probably the cheapest, can do for about $10.
Yes, that danby dishwasher uses british standard pipe thread, which is not a USA garden hose or pipe thread. it does not work… you need 2 adapters and a regular hose, or a regular hose and replace the internal part. really easy to do.
The drain hose just gets shoved down the washing machine drain.