Check in Alert

For people who live alone who fear a fall or other incapacitation event, it could be useful to alert someone to check in with the requestor.

==Prior art==

I know someone who sends all is well messages, but missing a message will not trigger a response in regular people. We tend to ignore things that happen repeatedly.

People involved
* Service provider
* Alertee , message recipiant

*may overlap with agent, someone can vouch for wellbeing of the monitored person
* Monitored Person

For someone with a slab computer, an app tied to accelerometers can track usage and send an email if that has not moved. Google maps has location sharing, and can keep trusted people in the loop.

A fitness tracker watch may already have this feature, plus ability to alert if pulse or other anomaly occurs. This is a compelling use of Apple Watch, but I still suggest not doing any business with Apple.

Some people do not want to carry a slab device, so finding other technologies is still needed.

Thunderbird mail client plugin.
*Can send email

Screen Saver
*can display a count down timer

KDE Plasma widget on desktop,
* can display countdown until alert is sent, and have buttons to pause or create another alert.

* Microphone Assistant like alexa, siri, or other system that can be triggered by voice

* pendant Like life alert
*bathroom pull chain

*fall detection matt
Zigbee sensors on fridge, and doors.

*False alert
*Missed Alert
may occur because of a pet triggering a device, internet being down, computer being down, improper snooze of an alarm.
* Critical alert — perhaps a fitness tracker has detected a heart attack and needs to push an alert, or the user has used last strength to cause an alert to go out
*Timer Extension — If an event is detected, the timer is set to be at least x minutes out.
** a post on facebook
** a door opened
** computer mouse moved
** a monitor reports a success in wellness check.
** a completed phone call
** authenticated use of slab
*Short Timer
**moisture sensor detected
**Water use exceeded
**Door adjar for too long
**accelerometer detected a crash
**a 911 call

Timer schedules
Tied with calendar, if alarm is missed trigger alert, if person is scheduled away, stop home triggers.

Systems Integration
A computer service log monitor may be able to integrate things. This may require a web host.

Making posts on facebook is a way to let people know they are ok, and this can be polled by a monitoring person.

==Use Case==
Bob lives alone. Bob typically uses the computer between 10am and noon, and 3pm to 6pm

==Best Practices==
This system needs to not distract the person from walking or general healthy behavior.

False alerts should be minimised while providing a timely alert to nearby monitor.

If someone is on the alert list, some sort of notification should go out that they are monitoring someone, and some things could be pollable. An alert

There is a lot to think about here and the program becomes very complicated. Integration with alexa to poll the user, are you doing well? to email, to sms, to fitness tracker, to screensaver, to slab to zigbee to home alarm .