Computer Selection

Most people should get a used thinkpad laptop with an appropriate screen size.

For most people, the user interface of the computer is much more important than the speed of the computer. Display and input are very important. ruggedness, portability and battery life may also be factors.

Where will you use your computer?
Do you have vision problems?
Do you play video games?
Do you edit video?
Do you just surf the internet?
Do you need the device for work?
Do you use advanced creative software?

Many of us do all of our work online. We trust big companies to save and backup our data. This may work for us.

Choosing your monitor is important.
24 inch 1440 wide monitors with a 16×10 display, or 4kplus

I will not buy a computer with less than 1920×1080 display. WUXGA 1920×1200 is a huge improvement.
My eyes are ok, and I can get by with a 12 inch laptop.

Laptops have batteries and are resistant to power outages.
Laptops are fairly easy to repair and work on, or are build into one piece and are sufficiently rugged. Most laptops can be plugged into an external display and used like a desktop. This is what I recommend for most seniors and casual users. Get a nice big monitor and a docking station for the laptop. Leave the laptop closed and well ventilated. Use a nice wired keyboard and mouse. That way it won’t get lost.

Yes, Wired.

If you play video games, you may need a video card., and you might go with a desktop.

If you do video editing, you may need a video card, and you might go with a desktop.

Do not buy Apple ewaste. The new Apple Silicon has very awesome capabilities. The issue is that the storage will wear out, and the whole device will be garbage. If you intend to sell your device, don’t.. If you need to upgrade your storage, you can’t. If you need to leave quickly or the device gets damaged, you cannot simply remove your data and take it with you. You are held hostage to Apple repair.